This little bloke spent the two days before the snow wandering about SR 117. He is a very gentle boy, friendly with other dogs, cats, and humans. He was cold, hungry, and had bloody paws, yet he still was wagging his tail at a smile and a hug.
He is at the Humane Shelter (on Ramona Rd. in Myerstown), and his number is 5889. He would be very happy to have a warm home for Christmas and to start the new year off with a family that loves him.
They open at 11am (closed Mondays). Their phone number is 717-273-3300.
I obviously can't provide this abandoned companion animal with any support since Care has already been on the prowl for a few months now, looking for the opportunity to drum up a few more "charges" to bring against my wife and I--including animal welfare charges. Personally, I feel that since a "critical mass" number of the residents here are not "peer pressuring" him into acting more civilized towards the person that is asking for accountablility in our public officials, the rest of you should pony up to take responsibility for the situation that your acquiesence has created: get together and find this Mt. Gretna stray a nice home, since my generosity towards the Creator's other gifts will only be used against me in this community.
Is he neutered? house broken?
does he like cats?
thanks, jb
Beautiful dog, and lucky to have dodged the likes of you as caretaker......
Thought I'd publish that last post, just so you nice people can see just how immature your other neighbors are...
By the way, jb, he is not neutered, but will be before he is put up for adoption. He is good with cats, and I don't know about the housebroken thing. We don't allow strays in the house until they have been checked for communicable diseases, so he never made it in the house.
Look, you only respond defensively to a person excersing her right to demand accountability and to criticize public officials for one of two reasons, usually: you are either too stupid to respect the rights of others, or you have something to hide.
As a public official, you should absolutely welcome constituent involvement. You have to seriously question the integrity of those in our community who can't show respect for demands for government and shareholder accountability.
And, how small must those "nuggets" be that post personal attacks without taking reponsibility for the post. Those are the real troublemakers.
Apparently, however, in this "government", there must be a nerve to strike...
Look, let's just find this pooch a home. 'Cause Ann makes a great "mom" and you people might have ruined that dog's chance to have a great home. You guys really don't think that your pettiness and personal attacks on her reveal your guilty consciences---come on, how stupid to you think the rest of us are that we can't see what is going on here?!
Its really too bad that you people can't get your act together and just apologize to us taxpayers and shareholders and make the money trail appear--and appear with clarity.
Update on the pooch:
No one has claimed him yet.
He is still in the required "quaratine" at the shelter, but hasn't shown any signs of illness or bad disposition.
He will be neutered before he goes home with a new human companion-- so it will not be a cost that the new person has to incur when they adopt him.
He has done just fine in the "housebroken" category.
He is a very personable guy--memorable to those caring for him.
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