Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Physics inspired art at LVC

From the Lebanon Valley College website today:

"Carol Brown Goldberg, who draws her inspiration from physics, will exhibit her abstract paintings at the Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery at Lebanon Valley College early in 2010. Carol Brown Goldberg: Aura and the Implicate Order will be on display from Jan.15 through Feb. 21. Goldberg’s works explore the relationship between color, shape, movement, and space. Comprised of grids of colored circles, her large canvases draw the viewer’s eye through and beyond the rhythm of the receding circles.

“Physics is inspiration, my muse,” she writes on her website. “Quantum particles of hadrons, mesons, bosons, and fermions, anthropomorphized by me, dance across the cosmic space of my canvas.” Her broad spectrums of colors, executed in acrylic, are intensified by the pulverized glass that Goldberg adds to her pigments, creating an effect that she compares to the twinkling cosmos at night. "...

"Gallery hours are Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m.; Thursdays and Fridays from 1 to 4:30 p.m.; Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and by appointment for groups. Schools and other groups are encouraged to contact the Gallery at 717-867-6445 or mailto:detweile@lvc.edu for a guided tour."

Check her out at http://www.lvc.edu/News/index.aspx?newsid=613a4763-7178-4f42-adbe-2aac02f763a6&HeadLine=Physics%20Inspires%20the%20Paintings%20of%20the%20Renowned%20Artist%20Carol%20Brown%20Goldberg;%20Show%20Opens%20in%20January

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