Surely the rest of you have not missed seeing the demolished rock monument and game land sign that used to be posted on 117 as you enter Mt. Gretna from Mt. Wilson Rd.? So it is, another driver lost control of his vehicle and completely destroyed the Game Land sign and monument (yes, a rock monument). Who is claiming that that black vehicle was totaled by the insurance provider.
Seems like there STILL is a very serious problem here--a problem that is not corrected by lashing out at one or two vocal residents. And, it seems like that problem has been complained about for many years by many others. Just read this excerpt from a Groce newsletter, Feb. 2006:
Topic No. 10: Did I see speed checks, using honest-to-goodness chase cars, in Mt. Gretna several times last week? Indeed you did. Cornwall Borough police say they’ve received complaints about trucks, cars and motorcycles speeding through town along Rte. 117, especially during mornings and late afternoons. “We’ll continue to conduct those checks at unannounced times and places,” says Chief Bruce Harris.""""
So, again, I have to ask, why won't Harris, Allwein, Care, et alia respond to the more recent complaints, and, why didn't Harris continue these "unannounced" checks?
Can it it be, Toto, that hypocrisy and failure to perform their public duties have infected their better judgment? What exactly are they trying prove? This problem/concern hasn't changed, except that its gotten worse. Trust me, fate will give you what you are asking for, Bill, Chuck, and Bruce--unfettered speeding on a road chock full of vulnerable people, all year long.
Again, exactly what point are you trying to prove, guys?
That accident was not in the Borough. It was in South Londonderry Township well outside of the Borough. Cornwall Police and the Borough have NO control over this area. It was NOT caused by speeding but by snow flying off of the roof of another vehicle and caused the driver to be distracted. The vehicle involved in the accident was NOT speeding. Please have your facts correct before you go accusing people of things that they are NOT responsible for. I intend to make sure that everyone is made aware of the true facts of this accident.
Why such the menacing tone, Anon? Notice that I said "lost control of"--get YOUR facts correct. Nobody is trying to accuse this driver of something horrific--in fact, there haven't been any accusations made.(If you unintentionally drive your vehicle off the road and destroy someone else's property, its a fact that you have lost control of your vehicle.) And,"well outside the Borough" is a bit of an exaggeration--it IS an entry to the Borough. In fact, maybe you can give us the exact distance of the crash site to the entrance to the Borough's public works yard...guess that would be in FEET, wouldn't it?
Let's get our priorities straight: if unsafe conditions are allowed to exist, who gives a crap what color the uniform is that is supposed to be enforcing traffic laws on this road. S.. Londonderry, Cornwall, West Cornwall, State Police--doesn't matter, because if you are a pedestrian that gets creamed by a driver that has lost control of his vehicle--you are still creamed. Your comment justifies adding S. Londonderry to being criticized for poor enforcement of traffic laws on 117--it does nothing to detract from my criticism. And, that criticism may be well-deserved in light of the tragic deaths this summer of two innocent people at the end of this road. This is especially relevant given that S. Londonderry resident, who lost a daughter who was hit by a car many years ago, has been quite vocal-for years, in asking S. Londonderry to better address the unsafe conditions of the very road leading to our community. Unfortunately, attitudes like yours prevailed, and nothing was done to address her safety concerns. Is that what your threshold is going to be before agreeing that something should be done--loss of life?
Further, if you are so bent on the truth--rather than bullying, then why don't you support your comments with verifiable references, identity of the drivers' of the vehicles involved, distance that the crash vehicle was from the alleged "snow flying" vehicle, your name, etc. Without verification, you are just spewing your own opinions. Are you saying that the driver was doing absolutely nothing wrong--even given that state law requires you to operate your vehicle safely at all times? Sounds like, at a minimum, the driver over reacted or over compensated or was tailgating--ALL THINGS THAT CAN CERTAINLY HAPPEN RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU IN MT. GRETNA EVERYDAY. Combine that with unaddressed speeding and lots of pedestrian activity, and its a tragedy that is just waiting to happen.
So why is it that you are so opposed to the creation of safer travel through our community? This really is something that you should come to grips with...
It would be a mature and responsible act for the driver of the "crash" vehicle to go public--to make "public service announcements" on how easy it is to get distracted and to go off the road, destroying property. He could say how fast it all happened, how relieved he is that there weren't more serious injuries caused. Further, he could state how he is changing his driving habits to be a more safe driver. What a nice thing to do for this community, especially if it leads to a life saved!
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