Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Christianity-man's most destructive invention"

That's a bumper sticker I once saw. I am reminded of it now that Anne Rice has recently made public her disatisfaction with Christianity, but not with Christ. She deserves kudos for engaging the public in a conversation which is an unspoken "no-no". You know, that which "polite society" doesn't talk about, like political corruption, racial discrimination by blacks, and social bigotry. So Ms. Rice's public denouncement of this usurped moral construct is a brave opening for a much needed public discussion of the ways in which Christianity is used to hurt. See her dialogue at

History provides for us a rich and deep source of guidance on how to tend to your relationship with your creator--the formal organization known as the church is not a Necessary component for those who acknowledge an internal moral compass. This history includes Christianity in that even texts like the gnostic gospels show that Christ taught individuals how to recognize their inherent relationship with a higher power--and to recognize it without the church's intervention. So Kudo's to Rice for personalizing her relationship with her creator and rejecting the tainted "misguidance" of interveners known today as Christians. Seems as if Lebanon County can use a few more Anne Rice-type followers of Christ and a few less "Christians".

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