Friday, April 9, 2010

What is the Chaut. Board thinking!?

Borough financial records indicate that the Chautauqua is routinely used for paying the following Borough bills. Don't forget that Chautauqua records suggest to US, the lowly shareholders, that it has its own separate bills for many of these "line items.":
1. AT&T
2. Code Enforcement
3. Comcast
4. State Pensions
5. Workman’s Compensation
6. Met Ed
7. Heating Oil
8. Life Insurance
9. Verizon
10. Verizon Wireless
11. Blue Cross
12. Executive Answering Service
13. Lebanon Mobile Phone
14. Propane
15. Public Risk Management Insurance
16. Business Insurance
17. Disability Insurance
18. Radio Maintenance
19. Electric Maintenance
20. Stauffers (of Kissel Hill)
21. Staples
22. Traffic Control (aka-- the maniacal chain-smoking parking lot attendants)
23. Sysco
24. JH Brubaker
25. Zeager Brothers
26. Bashore’s Restaurant Equipment
27. Sporting Valley Turf Farm
28. United Rentals
29. Stephenson Equipment

In addition to these charges, the Borough also sends Chautauqua shareholders twice-monthly bills for Labor Services, for Art Show labor, and the Chautauqua also outright “contributes” a substantial amount every year (usually around $18,000, which is more than the Chautuaqua tells the IRS that it spends on summer programs). Historically, the yearly total sucked from shareholders is over $200,000.

All this, in addition to taking our property taxes, earned income taxes, water and sewer fees, and pass-through funds like state and county taxes or fees (like the liquid fuels surcharges on the gas we buy and state income tax).

Oh don't get me wrong--the Council isn't to get all the blame in this. Its time to ask the Chautauqua Board what in the hell they were thinking--this is clearly not about efficient delivery of services to us. Its about squeezing us for all we are worth.

Its about figuring out all the redundant ways in which they can extract money from us to pay for the same set of services provided to the same set of people BY the same set of people.

Why don't all these numbers show up in the Borough's proposed budget that they let us see every year? and why won't the Chautauqua tell the IRS where all this money is really going? Heck, why don't they tell us where it is really going?

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