Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Leak in our water system, Part II

Remember not too long ago I wrote about our water guy's statement that there was a leak in our water supply system.

Well, do you guys also remember this same public official saying, at a Borough council meeting late last fall, that we had a section of road that was "giving way"? He provided ample detail as to what he felt needed to be done to "shore up" and repair the road. However, never in his detailed explanation did he make it known that a water main ran through that section of failing infrastructure.

This is quite an omission, given that the water system is all mapped out and it is also his responsibility to know where these pipes are, and, especially, because he was trying to impress upon this Public the idea that there was a leak somewhere.

Well, when you have a section of roadway where a water main is located in egregious and obvious failure and you do not respond until the pipe actually fails, as it did a couple of weeks ago, I have to ask the obvious question:

How is that delivery of a "responsive" or quality public service?

It's quite irrational to say that because this public official responded within hours or minutes to the failed and ruptured water main, he is providing "responsive" service when he absolutely should have addressed the leak when it became obvious to him back this fall--and BEFORE it failed completely and contaminated and disrupted our water service for an entire week. After all, that is what we pay him for. What, did he think it was a sinkhole on the side of a mountain?

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