Monday, August 24, 2009

More non-enforcement of PA GC timber contract

What is the Game Commission doing on that land behind us!?

On the blocks that were harvested recently on our neighboring game lands, over 800 trees were to be spared from harvesting, according to the harvest contract. These trees were marked with red paint at eye level on the up and downhill side of the tree, and at the base. In the contract, these trees are called "reserved trees."

However, as you can see just by driving by some of these harvested blocks, there is NOT any number close to 800 trees left on these blocks. On the two blocks that follow Pinch Road, there are supposed to be 360 of these reserved trees. What do you think there really is there now?

In case you would like to check this for yourself, I have included a map of the blocks for this harvest, and the numbers of reserved trees that should be still standing. I broke the numbers down by block.

Block 1 should have 114 reserved trees, marked with red paint. That is the block right behind us that has all the large woody debris left behind.

Block 2 should have 153 reserved trees, marked with red paint.

Block 3 --197

Block 4--144 This block is across from the smashed port-a-potty on Pinch Road.

Block 5--215 This block is the next harvested block on Pinch Road, and abuts Block 4.

Let me end this post with the reminder that the PA GC holds those lands in public trust FOR US and in the pursuit of its assigned responsibility: providing game and wildlife habitat.

If anyone wants a copy of the contracts for this harvest, just email me at Also, I will be walking the blocks to take an inventory this week. Let me know if you would like to join me-I would love the company.

It also appears as if our neighbor Weaber, Inc. was the contracted harvester for this mess. Also, I have visited some other game lands recently harvested by other contractors, and they look like the contractor actually did use forestry's best practice standards and complied with the terms of the contract.


Mount Gretna Blog said...

Quick walk through of BLOCK 2 shows:

approx 70 reserved trees
(contract calls for 153)
approx 6 snags
(contract calls for 44)
approx, oh, maybe a couple hundred den trees
(contract calls for less than 20)

Those are some wide "margins". Don't you wonder what the GC's margin of acceptance is for determining compliance and completion of the contract? I wish I had jobs that let me be so far off target.

By the way, a den tree is fallen and is large enough for cavity dwellers. A snag is a dead tree still standing.

Anonymous said...

FWIW: this is heartbreaking and glad you call public attention to the matter; in this regard, e-mails to Lebanon Daily News, citing your blog, as well as, to Pennsylvania Game Commission have been sent. Both unanswered to date.